Friday, July 4, 2008

Interlude: The Sniffles

I'm sick.

I hate being sick. Just a common cold, but I have no energy, a throat that feels like someone took a nailfile to it, and more mucus than seems possible compared to the size of my sinuses.

Being sick is a good time for reading books. It is not, however, a good time for reviewing them. Writing reviews takes energy, a resource in which I am sorely lacking at the current time.

So here's a quick list of the books which I have recently read but still need to review:

Fables: The Good Prince (MUST read graphic novel series)
The Friday Night Knitting Club (actually much better than I expected)
Captain's Fury (Fourth book in the Codex Alera which I wrote about a couple of months ago)
The Boleyn Inheritance (follow-on from The Other Boleyn Girl)
Pay the Piper: A rock-n-roll Fairytale (you guessed it, more fairy tale revisions)

That puts me at 25 books, which is pretty much right on track for my target of 52 this year.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to crawl back into my sniffly hole.

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